Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'll be frank...

I finally got to try a recipie I've been itching to get my hands on today at lunch! It consits of hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. Classic! It's pretty easy and fun to do! Octopus Mac n' Cheese!

Simply take four hot dogs and cut then in half, lengthwise, about an inch from one end. Turn it a quarter turn and cut in half again. You should now have four 'legs'. Cut each of the legs in half again to form eight. Also cut two little eyes. As you're cutting, start boiling two pots of water, one for the mac n' cheese and the other for the hot dogs. Boil the hotdogs and start the mac n' cheese. Once the mac is made, place the now boiled hot dog on top and voila! Your own hot dog octopus!

When making this recipie I would advise that a skinless hot dog be used. I try this recpie with skinned hot dogs and it made it very difficult to cut. Not only this, but when they boiled they spilt open (you can't see it, but the poor fellow in the picture has his back wide open!)

Though I don't have any dog n' cheese fans in the house, I liked the meal. It's a fun and simple twist on a fun and simple lunch!


kimodified said...

that is the greatest!!!

I did that once long ago - pre kids?

I should try again.

They make skinless hotdogs?! crazy.

I'm going to make this, this coming week. I'll take pix too. :-)

Adena (aka cre82learn) said...

I will have to try this. I do make hot dog "coins" and stir them in the mac 'n cheese. This is sooo much cuter. I will check your blog often. I enjoy cooking and used to live in Michigan too! My latest cooking creation can be seen at my other blog , It's a fruit pizza made for the 4th of July!